The Journal of Rosa damascena (JRD) is a Biyearly multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published jointly by Union Medicinal plants of Iran (UMPI). This instruction describes what JDR publishes and will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly.
What does JRD publish?
Scientific scope
The aim of Journal of Rosa Damascena (JRD) is to publish papers that advance our understanding of Rosa damascena and Byproducts. Original research should provide new information on fundamental and scientific practical issues and mechanisms including those underpinning the improvement of plants for the sustainable production of Rosa damascena and Byproducts. When considering if a paper is suitable, consideration will be given to the breadth and significance of the work to the horticultural science community.
Areas of particular focus in this subjects:
Further editorial guidance is provided in the following text.
Types of Article
1- Research Papers should provide new insights into underlying Rosa hot topic issues, biological processes or functions at the ecological, physiological, molecular, and cellular or organism levels.
2- Review Papers provide a synthesis of recent developments in areas of intensive current research. In-depth opinion papers that express a particular point of view on a controversial topic relevant to any aspect of plant science especially Rosa plant are also encouraged.
Writing and submission
All submissions are checked in terms of remit and quality, and if suitable go forward to full peer review.
All articles should be written in English. Manuscripts should be submitted online at First-time users of the online submission system must register for an account. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author. The title page should include the authors' full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along with phone, fax, and E-mail information. Present addresses of authors should appear as a footnote. The cover letter containing the above information should be in a separate paper file submitted online, whose name should begin with the first author's surname. The authors may also suggest two to five reviewers for their manuscript but JRD may designate other reviewers. All the authors are encouraged to consider becoming a member of JRD.
Clear presentation of your paper is very important to ensure that its scientific content is clear and fully understandable. British or American English is acceptable as long as usage is consistent throughout the paper. If you have any concerns about use of English, please consider getting professional help with language editing before submission (please note that this does not guarantee acceptance). You can contact 0098 0910000000 ( for English editing.
Length and Structure
Primary data should only be presented once (e.g. table or graph, but not both).
Please use a standard 12-pt font and 1.5-line spacing, numbering all pages (center, bottom of the page). Lines should be numbered continuously from the first to last page.
Following the title page, research papers should be presented as follows: Title, Highlight, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (which should include funding details), and References. This should be followed by tables and figures.
We will consider original images for the cover of the journal, either directly from or closely related to a paper in an issue. If you have something suitable please provide it in the same final format as a figure, i.e. ideally as a .jpeg and always at a minimum 300 dpi at publication size (which for the cover is 84 × 284 mm). Images may be submitted at the time of initial submission or later by e-mail (in which case please always provide your manuscript number/title). Include a very brief description of what is shown and credit information.
Title and abstract
The title should be concise and informative. For research papers, it should usually state the novel scientific findings being presented. A title that asks a question may also be effective. Remember that this will be the most frequently read part of your paper. Also include a shorter running title - no more than 60 characters, including spaces.
The abstract should be engaging and useful 'stand-alone' text without references of no more than 250 words. Research papers should detail why the research was undertaken; approach and methodology if appropriate; main findings; and key conclusions, including wider implications. Repeat keywords and phrases as appropriate.
Keywords and abbreviations
Please provide 3-5 keywords for your paper (alphabetical order) after the abstract. Think of words/phrases people might use in searches. The main ones should also appear in the abstract.
Natural, consistent repetition of keywords and phrases in your title, highlight, abstract and subheadings will aid search engine optimization - which means that other researchers will be able to find and cite your work.
Please limit the use of nonstandard abbreviations - they can make your text harder, not easier, to read. Generally, only use them for words used at least three times in the text but only where the shortened form will aid readability. Define the term on first mention: for example, Abscisic acid (ABA) and Cytokinins (Ck) act in an antagonistic. If you do have such defined abbreviations, also provide them in a list, in alphabetical order, after the keywords.
For writing the manuscript use 12-pt Times New Roman font, bold the headlines, and italicize the subheadings.
The introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines. At the end of the introduction show the research questions and aim of the study.
Materials and Methods
This section should be complete enough to allow experiments to be replicated. However, only truly new procedures should be described in details. Previously published procedures should be cited and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Capitalize trade names and include the manufacturers’ names and addresses. Subheadings should be used as Italic. Methods in general use need not be described in detail.
Results and Discussion
This two section can become together or separated base on subject and Results type, therefore, If this two-section was separate Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The results should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors' experiments. Results should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature. Discussion, speculation, and detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the Results but should be put into the Discussion section.
The discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic and comparison must be made between it and past studies. State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper. The Discussion should be separated from the Results section.
When this two section was together after presented any results, you should be largely referring to the literature and discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic and comparison must be made between it and past studies.
Tables and figures
Each numbered table (e.g. Table 1, Table 2) should have a concise, descriptive heading, with any further essential explanation added as a footnote. This should provide enough detail to understand the table without referring to the main text (i.e. it should 'stand alone'), although there is no need to redefine abbreviations not specific to the table or give full species names where this information has already been provided. Please create your tables using the table tool in Microsoft Word and use a separate page in your main text file for each one. All tables need to be cited in sequence in the main text.
Figure Legends
Each numbered legend (e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2) should begin with a concise, single-sentence description of the figure. It should go on to provide enough detail to understand the figure without referring to the main text. A description of any symbols should be given in full (please do not include actual character symbols in the legend). Micrographs must include a scale bar, with the length ideally provided on the image (but otherwise indicated in the legend).
Figures are the final items in your main file, with one per page. However, these should be prepared in a separate file (or files) such that they are ready for publication assuming your paper is accepted. The figures should have at least 300 dpi qualities.
Please make your figures as clear as possible, and add labelling where there are multiple panels using capital letters (A, B, etc.)
Each figure should be clearly labelled (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and provided on a separate page in your main file. They should all be cited in sequence in the main text.
Composite Figures made by reorganizing different parts from the same or different gels/blots/exposures must be made explicit- clear dividing lines should be used to separate individual parts and the rationale for this arrangement must be explained in the legend. Presenting composite images as unedited originals, giving an impression that no reorganization has occurred, is unacceptable.
No specific region or feature within an image should be modified (i.e. moved, removed, introduced, enhanced or concealed). Brightness, contrast and color balance adjustments are permitted if they are applied to the whole image and do not misrepresent or otherwise obscure the information provided. Disclose any nonlinear adjustments, such as changes to gamma settings, in the figure legend.
You should keep ready access to all original images, which should be high quality, unedited, uncropped and high resolution. These may be requested during peer review.
The use of color online is encouraged, and there is no charge. Please always follow color-blind friendly practice.
There are no charges for color online - figures and tables may be presented in color online and in greyscale in print. It is essential with this option that the figure is fully understandable without the color, and the legend (and main text of the paper) should not refer to color so that it works in print. Please note the availability of online-only color at the end of the legend:
Previously published work must be acknowledged by appropriate citation in the main text and a full reference list. Attention to detail is important to ensure appropriate crosslinking.
Citation style examples:
Martin and Rotini (2015) have shown ...
... towards the root tip (Zhu, 2014; Chen and Zhu, 2015).
Note the use of date rather than alphabetical order. When papers are written by more than two authors use et al. (e.g. Zhao et al., 2015).
If several papers by the same author in the same year are cited, use letters to distinguish between them (e.g. 2016 a, b).
References should be listed in alphabetical order (without numbering). As with citations, these must be accurate and follow journal style.
Citation of papers from e-journals or available ahead of print should include the DOI or URL rather than volume/page numbers. Citation of other URLs may be made in the main text but should not be included in the reference list.
Journal papers:
Maleki Asayesh, Z., Vahdati, K., Aliniaeifard, S, and Askari, N. 2017. Enhancement of ex vitro acclimation of walnut plantlets through modification of stomatal characteristics in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae, 220: 114-121.
Chapter in Book:
Van Meeteren, U., and Aliniaeifard, S. 2016. Stomata and Postharvest Physiology. In: Postharvest Ripening Physiology of Crops, Taylor and Francis, 157-216.
Smirnoff, N. 2007. Antioxidants and reactive oxygen species in plants. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Uys, L. 2009. Coupling kinetic models and advection-diffusion equations to model vascular transport in plants applied to sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University.
Note use full journal titles. Only papers published or in press should be provided (and if in press, a proof will need to be submitted with your paper). Unpublished results, including submitted papers and those in preparation, should be cited as unpublished in the text.
Style points
Numbers and Dates
Numbers up to ten should be spelled out in the text except when referring to measurements. Use numerals for numbers higher than ten except at the beginning of a sentence. Use decimals rather than fractions.
Dates should be given in the form 6 June 2017, and the 24 hour clock should be used.
Scientific Names
For species in frequent scientific use, such as wheat, it is preferable to use the common name in your paper. If the common name is used then the scientific name (e.g. Chrysanthemum morifolium) should still be given at first mention in the abstract and main text. Otherwise, use the scientific name for species under study, abbreviating the genus to the initial after first use in the abstract and main text unless there is a chance of confusion with other species used in the paper. The complete scientific name (genus, species and authority, and cultivar where appropriate) must be cited for every organism used in the study on first use in the materials and methods section.
Use SI units. If nonstandard abbreviations are essential then define them in the text. Units of measurement should be spelled out except when preceded by a numeral, when they should be abbreviated in the standard form: g, mg, cm3, etc. Use negative exponents to indicate units in the denominator (e.g. mmol m–2 s–1).
Chemicals, Genes and Proteins
Follow Chemical Abstracts ( and its indexes for chemical names. Use the IUPAC and IUBMB recommendations on chemical, biochemical and molecular biology nomenclature for amino acids, peptides, enzymes, nucleic acids, polynucleotides, carbohydrates and lipids.
The naming of genes and proteins must follow international standards. Always use italic text for gene symbols and loci, and capitalization as it applies for each organism. Proteins should appear in regular type.
Please use numbering (1, 2, etc.) if equations require more than one level of subscript or superscript.
All the manuscripts are checked for plagiarism before publication using iThenticate. Manuscripts with plagiarism will be rejected.
Fees and Charges
No fees and charges for none Iranian authors. Iranian authors are charged a RLS 500000 (RLS 450000 for members of Union Medicinal Plants of Iran (UMPI) handling fee and RLS 1500000 (RLS 1350000 for members of UMPI) for publication charge. Paying the handling fee is not a guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication. There are no page charges or extra charges for color photographs.